NeuroExam Pre-Survey 1. As a health provider, what is your current role?* RN RT MD NNP PA 2. What center are you located at?* All Children’s Florida Hospital Nemours Children’s Hospital Sacred Heart Shands at Jacksonville St. Joseph’s Tallahassee Memorial TGH UF Health Shands Hospital Winnie Palmer Wolfson’s Children’s Hospital 3. How many years have you been in clinical practice?*0-3 years4-6 years7-10 years11-15 years>15 years4. How confident are you in performing the neurologic exam (Sarnat Score) for newborns being considered for hypothermia?*1 - Not confident2 - Very little confident3 - Sometimes confident4 - Confident5 - Very confident5. Have you received any formal training to perform the Sarnat score to screen newborns candidates for hypothermia?* Yes No If yes, where?